Spark deep, embodied change through ritual communion with the wider web of life.

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The Shamanic Rose -

An Apprenticeship


A 584 day transformative journey delivered through both group work and direct personal mentoring.

Over the cycle our we move through distinct stages of purification, healing, ritual and activations. With energetic transmissions, plant medicine, ritual, wisdom teachings and embodiment practices, we are creating gradually more space, energy and a deep personal unfolding of your connection to the feminine creative principal. Working towards revealing and cultivating each individuals personal expression of service from this place of authentic, empowered creativity.

We are building a bridge between earth and sky, relating to the world around us through new eyes. Cultivating our relationship with the wider web of life itself so we may participate from a place of regenerative, compassionate wisdom. Relationship to self, to other and to the whole as a path to liberation. This is the deepest truth of the Rose Path.

By Application Only.


LILITH - Black Moon Rising.

Do you long to taste true freedom?

To dissolve looping stories of addiction, power struggles, toxic relationship patterns and always feeling like you are either “too much” or “not enough.” Do you desire to truly embody your authentic power, purpose , desire and creativity?

Meet Lilith.

This is a 4 week ritual journey with the archetypal, energetic and embodied medicine of Lilith, as she lives within you.

Lilith is complex, she is the first woman, demoness, seductress, witch and a wild liberating force for our most authentic expressions of love.

She is deep, dark feminine medicine.

We invoke Lilith’s medicine to unbind us from trauma that represses our deep sensuality, instincts, creative power and truth. Reclaiming aspects of self that are so misunderstood, yet hold the keys to immense beauty.

Lilith rises within us transforming from demon to demon slayer. From bound woman to exalted Queen. She is a fiercely loving teacher, guiding us over time towards our greatest expressions of sacred service on this planet.

In this program you access 4 stages of video lectures, live transmissions, audio downloads, ritual and embodiment practices, resources, projects and live calls. You can also request additional mentoring if needed.

Get instant access that you can revisit forever.


28 Day Plant Spirit Attunement

A lunar cycle of devotional connection, purification and transformational healing with teachers from the plant kingdom. This is a core element of our work and creates the foundation for our more advanced journeys and courses. Inspired by the shamanic tradition of Plant Dieta from Peru, this process initiates a new way of relating to the world we inhabit.

This is a deep 1:1 guided process with limited numbers available. Enquire to find out about upcoming spaces.




Astrology consults that work with the embodied mythos of the stars to support personal and collective transformation.

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Be witnessed and supported to digest trauma, gain clarity and powerfully expand through 1/1 mentoring tailored for you.

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Return to the temple with our powerful residential experiences of community, medicine and magic.

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